Thursday, October 18, 2018

46th Faculty Colloquium

The CAS OpCom would like to invite everyone to its 46th Faculty Colloquium on October 24, 2018 (Wednesday) from 10AM to 12NN at the CAS Faculty Lounge.

Mr. Arthur Vito Cruz will present his paper entitled, “Judgements of the Mind and Heart: The Place of Cinema in Liberal Education” and Mr. Philip Michael Paje will present his paper “Disaster Resilience in the Anthropocene: Practices & Strategies of Climate Change Adaption in a Coastal city in the Philippines

Both, Mr. Vito Cruz and Mr. Paje, will also be sharing their experiences in presenting their papers in international conferences.

Reactors will be Dr. Josemaria Mariano and Dr. Leodivico Lacsamana. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

University Research Manual

The University Research Manual has been completed and may now be accessed by all faculty members here. It will also be made available through

The University Research Manual is meant to provide faculty members with the policies that cover the basic structure and organizational functions needed to direct and encourage research in the University and thereby eventually create a real community of research with a wide local and international network.  

For any concerns or suggestions regarding the University Research Manual, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Faculty Affairs at local 325 or course them through the School OpCom.